Sometimes we all just need a loan sooner rather than later! Needing money fast is no crime - but there is a lot of confusion as to how to get your personal loan fast. Here are the three steps for those in the market for a quick loan.
Step 1: Have all your personal information to hand. Your security number and identification, proof of address are all going to be required.
Step 2: Ensure that you have proof of income - you are probably going to need to prove that you earn more than $1,000/month - make sure you have pay checks that add up to this amount or other proof from your employer.
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Step 3: Fill in the loan application form completely and correctly. It doesn't matter whether you are a applying online or in person - those questions are not optional - you need to have answers for all of them - the more complete your form, the faster will be your loan approval.
Don't apply for more loans than you need: keep a record of your online applications - and follow up promptly with the company concerned if there is a delay. Remember though you are unlikely to get a reply on the weekends - probably the best day to apply is Tuesday after the weekend rush has been dealt with!
Depending on whether you are applying for a secured or un-secured loan - will mean that you will need more or less documents. Obviously if you are offering security for your loan you will need to have documentation proving the value of your collateral.
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